Norfolk'ing Around At the Beach
I spent a day with my best friend and fellow photographer, India Jackson, and her husband down in Norfolk, VA at the beach. It's been a while since we shot each other so we took advantage of the lens that I rented last month (Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM) to take some new portraits. We had a blast! Check these out.
photo of me by India Jackson
photo of me by India Jackson
photo of me by India Jackson
photo of me, goofing around/tripping, by India Jackson
photo of me by India Jackson

photo of me by India Jackson
photo of me by India Jackson
India and TimIndia
photo of me by India Jackson
photo of me by India Jackson
photo of me by India Jacksonphoto of me, goofing around/tripping, by India Jackson
photo of me by India Jackson
photo of me by India Jackson

wedding bands
We also made a batch of kimchi earlier that day, and you can see photos from that adventure here.