
Would you buy Tiffany yogurt? I'm sure it would taste exactly the same as the 10 for $5 yogurt you buy on a regular basis... See the work of Peddy Mergui in an exhibition in San Francisco entitled, "Wheat is Wheat is Wheat." His pieces explore what everyday products (food) would look like if luxury brands started producing things other than high fashion.
 Tiffany yogurt

“By observing Peddy Mergui’s new and improved “luxury” products we may see how brand alignment is perceived by many as acceptance to a status group or an affirmation of successful lifestyle. His exhibition: Wheat is Wheat is Wheat is a humorous yet provocative commentary on global consumer culture that may just have us questioning our next purchase.” Museum of Craft and Design

 Apple milk
 Gucci pickles
 Louis Vuitton salami
 Nike fruit boxes
 Prada flour
Versace eggs

I love the Nike boxes: I can see those in production sometime in the future.
Which one would you spend your money on?

via designboom


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