Central Texas Food Bank Volunteering

On Valentine's Day, February 14, 2017, I signed up to volunteer for the morning shift at the Central Texas Food Bank. Located in Austin, the food bank receives, processes, and provides packaged food for banks across Texas.

Our group of volunteers were tasked with sorting, inspecting, and cleaning boxed and canned goods. When food is donated, volunteers have to check every can and box for defects, holes, tears, or water damage. We were also given a list of items that the Food Bank was not able to accept like baby food and products, expired items past a certain date, and weight-loss items. 

In the video below, you can see me and the other women at my station inspecting the inner plastic bags of cake mix to make sure they were acceptable to pass along. The boxes then have to be resealed and then wiped with a mild bleach solution to sanitize. The items are then placed on a conveyor belt down to the sorters at the end of the line who placed the items in boxes by type.
It was really very meaningful for me to do this volunteer project. My life is food: I source, I cook, and I give. This part of food life includes providing for people who do not have the means to purchase food for themselves. It reminded me to be conscious of food waste and to pay attention to expiration dates. Food is good past its expiration date! Check the manufacturer's website or call, but you can keep, use, or donate food that is between three months and a year past its printed date.

If you'd like to make a donation to or volunteer for your local food bank, check out FeedingAmerica.

Respect your food and always be thankful with what you have! 



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